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Redmi 2 with 2GB RAM, 16GB storage to go on sale this month
Acoupleofweeksafteritsexistencewasrevealed,itisbei Continue readingRedmi 2 with 2GB RAM, 16GB storage to go on sale this month
A pair of new smartphones from Huawei and Honor pass through TENAA
EverytimewereportonHuaweianditsHonorsubbrand,weten Continue readingA pair of new smartphones from Huawei and Honor pass through TENAA
Samsung Galaxy A6 and Galaxy A6+ launch markets confirmed
RecentlySamsungSMA600FNandSMA605GsurfacedonGeekben Continue readingSamsung Galaxy A6 and Galaxy A6+ launch markets confirmed
Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 officially confirmed for March launch
Xioami sRedmiNote10seriesisundoubtedlyoneofthemost Continue readingXiaomi Redmi Note 10 officially confirmed for March launch